What is Digital Range?

Questions about what The Range is or some of the tools in it? Check this article out to learn more!

Chris Degenaars avatar
Written by Chris Degenaars
Updated over a week ago

This is a pretty common question, and one that we asked ourselves a few times since we began developing Digital Range. 

To put it in the simplest terms as possible:

Digital Range is a digital marketing dashboard giving you access to the best-of-breed tools and trusted by small businesses, golf courses, and agencies to help manage their digital presence and generate new leads.

From within Digital Range, you can access a few different things, it all depends what package you're on but here is a basic run down...

1. Range Website

You can view your website, edit almost all of the content that is on it, and preview any changes you decide to make to it. You are also able to view the stats on your website; such as page views, website visits, where people are viewing it from, as well as your sites top pages.

2. Range Email

Your email platform is where you can send out campaigns, add new subscribers, or view reports on previously sent campaigns.

Our email platform is a very easy to use drag-and-drop builder that sends out mobile responsive websites, so no matter what device it is viewed on, it will look good!

3. Range Files

Range Files is something we are really excited about, because it is a place for your team and you to share and access files!

Similar to Dropbox or Google Drive, we've partnered with Box to offer you a cloud-based file storage solution from right inside your Digital Range dashboard! You can now easily upload, preview, and share files between your team or with others. 

4. Ongoing Support

The final major tool you can access is your support center, where you can upload support tickets, such as website edits or email campaigns, and keep track of them and their statuses all within your dashboard!

With More Coming Soon!

We are always working to bring more features to Digital Range that will allow your business to grow and save time with its marketing strategies. 

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